The Definitive Email Security Strategy Guide: A People-Centric Approach to Stopping Malware, Phishing, and Email Fraud

Cyber Attacks Are Evolving Faster Than Traditional Defences Safeguarding email is the key to protecting the enterprise. But it’s a complex challenge. That’s because email threats are numerous and wide-ranging. Attack techniques are constantly evolving. And human nature—the weak link in every organisation—is a perpetual target. It’s no wonder that solutions built for fighting the…

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Unternehmen weltweit setzen Multi-Cloud- Transformation um

Konsistentes Cloud-Betriebsmodell durch Management Multi-Cloud-Management bildet die Grundlage für ein erfolgreiches Cloud-Betriebsmodell. Durch die Unterstützung Ihres Cloud-Betriebsmodells mit einer modernen Multi-Cloud-Managementlösung profitieren Sie beim Verwalten herkömmlicher und moderner Workloads von Transparenz und Informationen. Somit verbessern Sie die Effizienz und optimieren Kosten in Private, Hybrid und mehreren Public Clouds. Zudem helfen Sie Ihrem Unternehmen dabei, Risiken…

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Smart Spaces Experience Guide – Transform Any Place into a Smart Space

The network—it’s powering smart spaces Like business complexes, schools, and data centers, smart spaces also need firm foundations. But unlike your building’s foundation, which is designed to be solid and immovable, the framework for your smart space is strongest when founded in the cloud—decentralized, agile, scalable, and secure. Meraki has always lived in the cloud….

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Forrester: modernizza la tua infrastruttura server per velocità e sicurezza

L’automazione del ciclo di vita dell’infrastruttura getta le basi per un’organizzazione adattiva e resiliente Tutte le aziende sono ormai aziende digitali, indipendentemente dal settore. Per realizzare la mission aziendale, i leader I&O devono concentrarsi su piattaforme e pratiche che supportino i dipendenti e soddisfino i clienti. La velocità e l’efficienza dei servizi di infrastruttura sono…

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